You can prepare for the exams at school by using our application, which has 7th Grade Turkish, 8th Grade Turkish and Lgs Turkish lecture videos, lecture notes and online tests. With the application, you can prepare for the Lgs exam. While solving the tests, you can scribble on the question by clicking the pencil button. You can share your solution with your friends.CONTENTS* 7th Grade Turkish Lecture Videos, Lecture Notes and Tests* 8th Grade Lgs Turkish Lecture Videos, Lecture Notes and Tests- Literary Meaning, Metaphorical Meaning, Term Meaning- Synonyms and Near Synonyms- Antonyms, Homonyms- Idioms, Proverbs and Proverbs- Meaning in Sentence- Expression Formats- Ways to Develop Thinking- Narrator Types- paragraph- Table and Graphic Analysis- Visual Interpretation- Writing rules- Punctuation Marks- The elements of the sentence- Verbs- Roof in Verbs- Sentence Types- Verbs According to Their Meanings- Verbs According to Their Structures- Verb conjugation- Meaning Shift in Verbs- Supplementary Verb- Compound Verbs- Envelopes- Speech Disorders- Word Arts- Text Types